Caffeine and Breastfeeding
How much caffeine and coffee can you have while breastfeeding? You’ll get difference answers from different people, and even medical providers! Read more to learn about recommendations around caffeine and breastfeeding.
My water broke! Now what?
What should you do when your water breaks? Learn about the four things you should note when your water breaks, what it feels like, and what your next steps should be.
Getting a VBAC in China
Vaginal birth after a cesarean, or VBAC, has been shown to be safe for most people. And yet, few providers in China support VBAC. Learn more about the benefits and risks of VBAC, and how to can increase your chances of a successful VBAC in China.
Eight Tips for Increasing Breast Milk Supply
Many new parents worry that they’re not making enough milk for their baby. Here are eight strategies to get you started making more milk! Want to get to optimal milk production faster? Contact Holly at Doulas of Shanghai to schedule a private consultation to create your personalized plan.
What Questions Should I Ask When Choosing My Doctor?
When you’re pregnant, choosing your doctor and hospital is one of the most important decisions you’ll make! Your doctor will be there with you each step of the way, working to keep you and your baby safe and healthy.
My baby is gassy… is it something I ate?
It can be distressing to see your baby struggling with gas. Is it because of something you ate? Something you did? Read more to learn about the reasons baby have gas and how you can help.
What room temperature is best for my baby?
Is my baby too warm? Too cold? How can I know? Read more to learn about ideal temperatures for baby and how to know your baby is comfortable.
Cervical changes you need to know about
When we talk about cervical change, dilation gets all the attention. But did you know there are three more important changes your cervix goes through? Read more about what to expect during labor.
Is my baby ready to start solids?
How do you know when your baby is ready for solid food? Learn more about signs of readiness and how to get started here.